With Create Now Melbourne only two weeks away, why not register now for this FREE event: Learn about why the industry is moving at a fast rate towards Creative Cloud. Hear from leading New Creatives as they inspire us all with how they are pushing boundaries with technology. Try Creative Cloud for 90 days for FREE

To find out more about the event and what is on the agenda click here.

Impress with the bestHaving an impressive portfolio will set you apart from the rest in today’s competitive job market.

Adobe is joining forces with The Loop, Australia’s largest creative community, to give you the chance to network with industry experts and get their feedback on your portfolio.

The Loop portfolio review session will be focused on graphic design and illustration and held between 12:00-2:00pm. Learn from the best senior graphic designers and creative directors in the business and sharpen your portfolio up to put you ahead of the rest. Tickets are $25 and spaces are limited.

Purchase tickets here.